CIE Summit 2020 Wrap Up - CIE San Diego

Thank you for joining us at the 2020 community information exchange virtual summit!

The CIE Virtual Summit took place August 12-14 and brought together more than 700 attendees, keynote speakers, workshop panelists, partners and sponsors. Attendees from the 2-1-1, social, health, data, philanthropy, education, technology and government sectors from across the nation engaged in workshops and meetings about bridging health and social service sectors to build strong and thriving communities.

Thank you to our collaborators


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Thank You to Our Sponsors

Title Sponsor
Premier Sponsors
Plenary Sponsor
Collaborating Sponsor
Disruption Dialogue Sponsor
Coffee Break Sponsors
2-1-1 Network Partner
Learning Lab & Lounge Sponsor
Supporting Sponsors
Vendor Partners
In-kind support