Consulting - CIE San Diego

Consulting & Technical Assistance

The work of CIE San Diego has generated significant interest from community leaders and organizations across the nation looking to understand the value of cross-sector collaboration and data sharing, and to replicate the CIE in their communities.

Our Services

Apart from group mentoring via our CIE National Membership, 211/CIE San Diego offers fee-for-service consulting and technical assistance aimed at guiding understanding and adoption or adaption of the CIE Model for your local initiative.

We promote community-led approaches to building data infrastructure and building systems with an antiracist lens to work toward equitable health outcomes. Specifically, we leverage our CIE Model and CIE Data Equity Framework to guide communities as they make critical decisions around how they facilitate the sharing, collecting, use, and interpretation of data in a manner that benefits populations instead of inadvertently harming those most vulnerable.

To learn more, please complete a brief assessment so we can better understand your needs and identify a time for a free introductory call.

Business Plan Development

Advise on the creation of community business plan for sustainability.

Partner Roadmap

Design a strategy to identify and engage stakeholders.

Meeting Planning and Facilitation

Work with us to co-design a meeting for your stakeholders.

Keynote Speaker or Presentation

Book CIE staff to speak at your upcoming event.

One-On-One Mentoring

Schedule ad hoc or recurring meetings tailored to meet the needs of your community.

Technical Infrastructure Design & Build

Receive guidance on the design of your system and data infrastructure. 

Consulting and TA Topics

We provide consulting services in the following areas:

Data Equity Framework
Shared Governance and Community Stewardship
Multi-Level Impact and Systems Change
Engaging Community Voice
Cultivating Network Partners
Comprehensive Social Continuum Assessment
Bidirectional Information Sharing
Data Exchange, Collection, and Use
Business and Legal Frameworks for Data Use Agreements
Data Analytics
Community Care Planning
Consent Management Services

Meet Our Experts

Our team provides strategic and tactical support for data collection, exchange, management, and use. In this capacity, we have guided communities in conducting their own environmental scan of data sources and platforms in their region to inform stakeholder discussions and preliminary technology planning.

Our staff is comprised of subject matter experts with backgrounds in data integration, collaborative technology, public health, informatics, and data analytics.

Chief Business Development Officer

Vice President, Health & Community Impact

Senior Consultant, Strategic Initiatives

Director, Business Development & compliance

cie national program coordinator

Director, Interoperability & Collective Impact

Director, participatory design & PARTNER EXPERIENCE

director, community care coordination

director, partner engagement

Ready to Build a CIE?