Virtual Special Session - CIE San Diego

Virtual Special Session

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Rethinking Systems Design:

Moving Toward Equity

AUGUST 11, 2021
8:30-10:30 AM PST

The challenge of advancing a more community-driven, person-centered approach to multi-sector care coordination has been compounded by the inherent state of systemic racism and inequities rooted within all elements of society. In anticipation of the 4th Annual CIE Summit, this Special Session will introduce critical components of system design and Community Information Exchange (CIE) principles that underscore the importance of leading with community to drive systems change.

The session will challenge our understanding of a CIE and explore how community-driven solutions can thrive under a clear and ongoing commitment to equity and anti-racism. Together, we will aim to:

  • Define equity and anti-racism in the context of multi-sector data sharing.
  • Explore antiracist and equitable frameworks as it relates to public health and data systems.
  • Learn the tenets, fundamental elements, and core components of the Community Information Exchange model.
  • Apply presented concepts to communities in various stages of CIE planning, design, and implementation.
sponsored by


Artair Rodgers 200x200 square
Artair Rogers, MS
Director of Programs- California, Health Leads
Lauren Smith 200x200
Lauren Smith, MD, MPH

Chief Health Equity and Strategy Officer, CDC Foundation

Vivian Singletary 200x200 square
Vivian Singletary, MBA, JM
Director, Public Health Informatics Institute
Lisa Austin
Lisa Austin

Vice President – Strategy & Client Services, Vigilant Watch Integration Inc.

Karis Grounds 200x200 square
Karis Grounds, MPH
Vice President of Health and Community Impact, 211/CIE San Diego
Beth Johnson 200x200 square
Beth Johnson, MPH

Senior Consultant- Strategic Initiatives,
211/CIE San Diego

Welcome By
Moderated By
Bill York 200x200 (1)
William York

President & CEO,
211/CIE San Diego

Hillary Heishman
Hilary Heishman, MPH
Senior Program Officer, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation


8:30 a.m. – 8:40 a.m.

Welcome by William York, President & CEO of 211/CIE San Diego.

Setting the Stage
8:40 a.m. – 8:50 a.m.
Gain insights on the importance of equity and anti-racism in the current state of the field and how we can rethink, or reimage for the future.
State of the Field & System Design
8:50 a.m. – 9:20 a.m.
Each of our speakers will reflect on existing systems design in public health, health, and community care.
Guided Panel Discussion
9:20 a.m. – 9:50 a.m.
Moving from Broken Systems to Opportunities to Community-Driven Change
Connect through open dialogue with subject matter experts on opportunities to move towards equitable systems of care.
Considerations for Meaningful System Design
9:50 a.m. – 10:05 a.m.
CIE tenets and core components
Group Reflections
10:05 a.m. – 10:25 a.m.
Lean into your own community’s system design to share and reflect on how to bring this back to your own community.
10:20 a.m. -10:30 a.m.
Recap and looking ahead to the Virtual CIE Summit!

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